Ashworth Grange Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Ideal Carehomes

Category News

Residential and dementia care provider, Ideal Carehomes, has announced a £1.5M per annum investment in its team by awarding a 5% salary increase to all hourly paid staff.  This is on top of the 2% increase already applied in April this year and takes all...

Residents and the care team at Ashworth Grange care home in Dewsbury are preparing to open its gardens for a Christmas Market next week. The Ashworth Grange Christmas Market will take place on Monday 15thNovember, from 2pm until 4pm, when visitors will be able to enjoy...

During the dark, cold month of January it can be hard to motivate yourself and look after your health and wellbeing. But, staff and residents at Ideal Carehomes have been given a helping hand to get the year off to a great start with the...

Residential and dementia care provider, Ideal Carehomes, has announced a second pay increase for all hourly paid staff, giving them a 9% pay increase in the last six months alone, a total investment of £3million. Back in October, staff were awarded a 5% increase as a...

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